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Institutional Introduction

Founded in 1981, the China Acrobats Association (CAA) is a pivotal non-governmental organization uniting professional acrobats across all ethnicities in China. It functions as a crucial link between the government and the acrobatic community, playing a significant role in enriching the socialist culture and arts sectors, and contributing to the cultural strength of the nation. As an affiliate of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC), CAA champions a people-centered approach in both its operations and creative endeavors.

Committed to serving and engaging with people from all walks of life, CAA is at the forefront of pioneering innovative reforms. It focuses on strengthening unity, providing guidance, fostering communication, ensuring coordination, and offering services and management. Additionally, it emphasizes self-discipline and the protection of acrobats' rights. Through organizing training sessions, encouraging deep reflection and inspiration from life, recognizing excellence with awards, facilitating critical discussions, showcasing new creations, engaging in theoretical exchanges, publishing works, offering voluntary art services, safeguarding legal rights, and interacting with international counterparts, CAA tirelessly works towards the flourishing of the Chinese acrobatic community, creating a nurturing environment for all its members.

CAA embraces both group and individual memberships, including 29 group members that represent acrobats associations across 28 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. Moreover, it boasts over 3,500 individual members who have achieved national recognition.

The organization comprises a permanent agency, 11 professional committees, and an Acrobatic Art Workers Work Ethnic Construction Committee. Among its key activities, CAA organizes the prestigious China Circus "Golden Chrysanthemum Award" National Competition, featuring categories in acrobatics, magic, and comedy. It also hosts national acrobatic arts festivals and co-sponsors several major events, including the China Wuqiao International Circus Festival, Wuhan International Acrobatic Art Festival of China, and the China International Circus Festival. Furthermore, CAA is an esteemed member of the International Federation of Magic Societies (FISM), Federation Mondiale du Cirque (FMC), and International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM).

With its headquarters in Beijing, CAA remains dedicated to advancing the acrobatic arts and fostering a vibrant and supportive community for acrobats across China.

Contact Person: Li Xiaoyuan,  Xu Yinqiu

Tel: +86-10-59759507


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